Moto Guzzi Mgx 21

La MGX-21 est le plus anticonformiste, riche et technologique des grands cruiser néo-rétros 1400 fabriqués à Mandello del Lario. Dernière représentante de la capacité de Moto Guzzi à réaliser des motos uniques depuis 1921, elle sera comme ses semblables rigoureusement montée à la main, comme une pièce de collection.
Moto guzzi mgx 21. MGX, known as Moto Guzzi eXperimental; 21 makes reference to the year the first motorcycle came out of the Mandello del Lario factory. Or, if you prefer, 21 like the inches of its front lenticular carbon fibre wheel. The torque from the Moto Guzzi Big Block engine shines through. Its 89 ft·lbs (121 Nm) push you forward with relentless grunt at. Moto Guzzi models currently in production include the MGX-21, V7 III, V9, California 1400 cruiser, Griso 1200 sport/standard hybrid, Eldorado, and Audace. Recent models have included the Norge 1200 sport tourer /GT, Stelvio dualsport , 1200 Sport and MGS-01 Corsa sportbikes , Breva 750, Breva 1100 and Breva 1200, as well as the Nevada and Bellagio. MOTO GUZZI MGX-21 - The MGX-21 is the most unconventional, rich and technological of the 1400 cc grand cruisers built at Mandello del Lario. It is the latest distinguished representative of a line begun in 1921 when Moto Guzzi started building unique motorcycles, strictly assembled by hand, as unique collectors items. Moto Guzzi is one of the greatest brands in the motorcycling world and in. Moto Guzzi MGX-21 Motorcycles For Sale: 5 Motorcycles - Find Moto Guzzi MGX-21 Motorcycles on Cycle Trader. Moto Guzzi. Moto Guzzi is an Italian motorcycle manufacturer that has been around since 1921, making it the oldest European manufacturer in the production and distribution of motorcycles. The brand stands out worldwide when it comes to.
Moto Guzzi reports that the MGX-21’s lean angle is 33 degrees when suspension is at full travel – impressive for a bagger. Also impressive is the ground clearance of 6.77 inches without a rider. The Moto Guzzi MGX-21’s styling, fit, and finish impressed most of the riders I encountered in Sturgis, at my hotel, at gas stops, or at restaurants. A couple riders actually came to a stop, blocking traffic, to ask me about the bike. The entire time I had the Guzzi, I felt like a rock star. They all commented on the MGX’s lines. MGX staat voor Moto Guzzi eXperimental; 21 is een getal dat refereert aan het jaartal waarop de eerste motorfiets uit de fabriek in Mandello del Lario kwam. Of, als je dat liever hebt, is 21 het aantal inches van het half-dichte, carbonfiber voorwiel. MGX-21, Moto Guzzi'nin 1921'den beri şirket mirasının değişmez bir parçası olan yaratıcılık ve cesaret özelliklerinin en son örneğidir. MGX-21 özel motosiklet severlere, kendilerini bu prestijli İtalyan motosikletin görkemine bırakarak daha yolculuğa çıkmadan heyecan duymaya başlayan insanlara adanmıştır.
After much buildup and fanfare, the Moto Guzzi MGX-21 “Flying Fortress” (FF) was finally released, and it brought long-distance touring capacity and comfort to the table with a decidedly dated. The MGX-21 seems to invite you to fasten your helmet and set off, heading wherever the road takes you. This Moto Guzzi offers a different and unique way of looking at a bike trip: it is not just the body that is transported, but it is the rider's soul that is involved in a beautiful and emotional experience made up of adventure, freedom and. MOTO GUZZI MGX-21 FLYING FORTRESS: une place-forte roulante. Le nom Flying Fortress (en français, forteresse volante; ici, roulante…) ne laisse pas longtemps planer le doute: on a affaire à un top-cruiser de la classe des gros cubes! Welcome to the official site of Moto Guzzi USA. Find out all the information about our latest motorcycles that have been built in Mandello Del Lario since 1921, and continue to be a timeless legend within the world of Italian motorcycles.
MGX come Moto Guzzi eXperimental, 21 come l’anno in cui la prima moto è uscita dallo stabilimento di Mandello del Lario. O, se preferite, 21 come i pollici del suo cerchio anteriore con copertura lenticolare in fibra di carbonio, statement di stile e dinamica capace di portarvi in un lancio di sguardo dalla tradizione alla fantascienza. 2019 Moto Guzzi MGX-21: The MGX-21 is the most unconventional, rich and technological of the 1400 cc grand cruisers built at Mandello del Lario. It is the distinguished representative of a line begun in 1921 when Moto Guzzi started building unique motorcycles, strictly assembled by hand, as unique collector’s items. MOTO GUZZI MGX-21: Ein Top-Cruiser im Bagger-Style. Bereits 2014 zeigte MOTO GUZZI einen Prototyp der MGX-21, in der zweiten Saisonhälfte 2016 kommt die im angesagten Bagger-Stil – eines der wichtigsten Kennzeichen ist das niedrige, fliessende Heck mit integrierten Koffern – gezeichnete MGX-21 auf den Markt. Scopri Moto Guzzi MGX 21, moto da viaggio Cruiser esclusiva: nera, cupa ed elegante, 1400cc con ampia capacità di carico. Prenota oggi un appuntamento