Moto Guzzi V85

Visitez le site officiel de Moto Guzzi et venez découvrir nos motos italiennes au style néo-rétro. Découvrez la nouvelle moto V85 TT (sortie en 2019), le trail routier néo-rétro aussi bien taillé pour la route que pour la terre. Découvrez aussi nos gammes V7 et V9 , des roadsters et cruisers néo-rétros, ainsi que nos autres modèles.
Moto guzzi v85. MOTO GUZZI V85. Following the trademark 90-degree transversely mounted air-cooled twin route, this new 850cc powerplant produces a claimed 80 horsepower and will power a new family of mid-capacity. There are plenty of big touring bikes out there, but few offer the sheer joy of riding that a Moto Guzzi V85 TT Travel does. Pack your bags and head east, young man. The V85 TT Travel is a different type of touring companion, but a good one, nonetheless. Photography by Kit Palmer. The older I get, the more I love me a Guzzi. Scopri Moto Guzzi V85 TT, moto da viaggio maxi enduro, bicilindrico a V da 850cc. Disponibile in varie versioni e colori. prenota un appuntamento Spirit of exploration Moto Guzzi has always interpreted the purest and most original conception of the journey, where man and his motorbike, in perfect symbiosis, go to the discovery of unique and unexpected places. The new V85 TT is dedicated to all those bikers who like to point their finger on the map and leave without stopping when the asphalt ends.
Moto Guzzi V85 TT, die Reiseenduro für Freizeit und Abenteuer. Sie weckt Erinnerungen an die Zeiten legendärer Rallyes, wie die Paris-Dakar. Sie begeistert mit einzigartigem Look und dem Design, das die Maschinen mit dem Adler von Mandello so berühmt und unverwechselbar macht. Moto Guzzi V85 TT, das Motorrad mit Herz und für die Seele. Moto Guzzi Experience Tunisia 2019 Through the gateway to Africa. V7 Customized at London Design Festival V7 Customized by Tom Dixon. V85 TT ONE OF THE BEST MOTORCYCLES The V85 TT is a milestone and a throwback all rolled into one. REVIVAL CYCLES V9 PRO BUILD A tribute to the 70’s Southern California Chopper. Neues erleben Moto Guzzi ist seit jeher ein Begriff für geniale Touren-Motorräder. Motorräder für Menschen gebaut, die sich Komfort und Zuverlässigkeit wünschen. Die V85 TT wurde für Motorradfahrer konzipiert, die mit dem Finger auf der Landkarte gerne ein x-beliebiges Ziel definieren. Ein Ziel, das Sie auch dann erreichen, wenn der Asphalt einmal endet. Moto Guzzi V85 TT is the new and original all-terrain that combines style features reminiscent of the golden age of motorcycle adventures with the content and functionality of a modern touring enduro. V85 TT Travel is dedicated to those who, while still dreaming of the Dakar, seek a motorcycle that can also inject adventurous spirit into the.
v85 ttプロジェクトの中心となる基本コンセプトは、シンプルさ、容易さ、そして実用性です。今やバイクのサイズと重量が大きくなっている現在のマーケットでは、その基本コンセプトの価値が高まろうとしています。 In a parking lot full of beaked ADV-style touring bikes, the Moto Guzzi V85 TT Adventure stands out in many of the right ways: an eye-catching paint scheme, a high front fender, classic twin. La prima Classic Enduro Un design ricco di fascino, che interpreta con purezza la tradizione e lo stile di Moto Guzzi e trova un punto di incontro ideale tra tecnologia e funzionalità moderne per definire la prima Classic Enduro dedicata al turismo. Proporzionata nelle dimensioni e stretta nel girovita per consentire libertà nei movimenti, la Moto Guzzi V85 TT assicura totale comfort e. Moto Guzzi V85 TT 850 specifications and pictures: mileage, price, weight, images, tyre size and colors. Find a dealer near you and book an appointment. Cookie policy. Moto Guzzi uses cookie technology – including from third parties – to provide visitors with the best possible experience when using the website. For more information, please.
Like most Moto Guzzi (and most motorcycles overall), the V85 is designed around the engine. The Euro 4-compliant, 853cc, transverse v-twin pumps out 80 horsepower and 59 ft-lb of torque. The Moto Guzzi V85 TT sits in a class of one; carving a niche as the first credible retro-inspired adventure bike. Related: 2020 Moto Guzzi V85 TT Travel revealed Too chunky to be considered a. JAKARTA, - Moto Guzzi V85 TT merupakan motor gede (moge) yang siap diajak bertualang atau menjelajah. Namun, motor ini juga punya potensi besar untuk dijadikan motor custom.. Luuc Muis, builder asal Belanda, berhasil mengubah gaya adventure dari V85 TT menjadi tracker.Pembuatan motor custom ini sebenarnya berawal dari kompetisi desain yang dibuat oleh Vanguard Clothing, yang. The 2020 Moto Guzzi V85 TT and V85 TT Adventure are more than styling exercises—they are solid motorcycles, too. Moto Guzzi has always marched to the beat of its own drum and, from the looks of.