
もちろんv85ttはこれら全てを押さえていますが、さらに走行可能距離が表示できるので給油のタイミングに困りません。 他にはスマートフォンとの連携ができるようですが、情報がなさすぎてどこまでできるのかが不明です。
V85tt. The V85TT’s rider-friendly character showed itself within 10 minutes down the road. It was light on its feet and direction changes were accomplished easily. The suspension may be simple since it has few adjustments, but it didn’t bother the chassis when we ran over bumps and potholes. Creada para los más aventureros, la V85 TT evoca la atmósfera legendaria de París-Dakar y otras famosas carreras. Combina maravillosamente el famoso encanto del Águila de Mandello con las líneas de los clásicos modernos para crear la moto perfecta para cualquier tipo de viaje en cualquier tipo de terreno. The 2019 Moto Guzzi V85TT is quite easy to throw around on twisting roads That Engine, Though. Press the starter on the V85TT and the whole bike rocks to the right as its powerplant comes to life. It is a wonderfully visceral experience, reminding you at id level that you are sitting on a metal box of explosions. モト・グッツィの伝統とスタイルを継承した魅力的なデザインに仕上げられたv85 tt。 ツーリングに特化した最初のクラシックエンデューロは、自在に操ることができるよう、ウエストをスリムにしたデザインとなっており、ライダーとパッセンジャーの快適さも保証しています。
Italian marque Moto Guzzi treated us with an expansion to its V85 TT family at 2019 EICMA with its new V85 TT Travel. As the devilishly-ingenious name suggests, the “Travel” is a touring. The V85TT is a left-field but must-ride machine for anyone looking for an all-round machine with some adventure chops. THE NEW ZEALAND TEST RIDE I thoroughly enjoyed riding the V85TT at the media launch in Phuket, Thailand. Moto Guzzi V85TT 2019 Review; Moto Guzzi V85TT (2019) Launch Review By Simon Hargreaves. SimonHbikes Simon rides motorbikes, and then writes about them. He also co-presents the Front End Chatter podcast and plays bass guitar rather well. Posted 15/03/2019 09:27 UK. Latest Reviews. Motorcycle Reviews. V85TT. ROCK(S) ‘N’ ROAD(S) Created for the hardiest adventurers, the V85 TT evokes the legendary atmosphere of Paris-Dakar and other famous races. It beautifully blends the allure of the famous Mandello Eagle with the lines of modern classics to create the perfect bike for any type of journey on any type of terrain.
The all-new V85TT (Tutto Terreno) is reclaiming the spirit of the 80’s enduro and taking the modern adventure market head-on. Shown: Adventure varient with multi-color livery, aluminum removeable panniers, top case, and Michillen Anakee Adventure tires. 2020 Moto Guzzi V85TT first ride review: (The engine is) the wrong way 'round. Guzzi's first crack at the lucrative adventure bike segment is predictably different but surprisingly excellent. In the V85TT, the 853cc V-twin puts out 79 hp and 59 lb-ft and is linked to a 6-speed transmission. Also, just like BMW’s high-end ADV bikes, the Moto Guzzi V85TT is a shaft-drive motorcycle. However, unlike many other ADVs, Roadshow reports, the V85TT is completely air-cooled. Neues erleben Moto Guzzi ist seit jeher ein Begriff für geniale Touren-Motorräder. Motorräder für Menschen gebaut, die sich Komfort und Zuverlässigkeit wünschen. Die V85 TT wurde für Motorradfahrer konzipiert, die mit dem Finger auf der Landkarte gerne ein x-beliebiges Ziel definieren. Ein Ziel, das Sie auch dann erreichen, wenn der Asphalt einmal endet.
Moto Guzzi V85TT Revved Up Sekepal Aspal Indonesia Motoart Exhibition 2019. Made Its First Debut in Indonesia, Moto Guzzi V85TT Exclusively Present at Mall-to-Mall Exhibition PT Piaggio Indonesia. Moto Guzzi V85 TT Launched for Asia Pacific in Thailand. Newsletter: Keep updated with Moto Guzzi. JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Moto Guzzi V85 TT merupakan motor gede (moge) yang siap diajak bertualang atau menjelajah. Namun, motor ini juga punya potensi besar untuk dijadikan motor custom. Luuc Muis, builder asal Belanda, berhasil mengubah gaya adventure dari V85 TT menjadi tracker. Pembuatan motor. Stylish V85TT has heaps of personality presented the traditional Moto Guzzi way, with plenty of attention to detail. It’s available in a choice of five colors, with the three so-called Urban single tints of blue, grey and red, each with a black frame, retailing for approximately $12,800 and all fitted with tarmac-friendly Metzeler Tourance. Lazimnya, membicarakan motor adventure ukuran besar bakal berkutat di BMW GS series, KTM, atau mungkin Triumph Tiger. Agak jarang orang menyebut Moto Guzzi V85TT, sebab memang masuk dalam kategori niche market. Kendati begitu bukan berarti dirinya tak punya kapabilitas. Serangkai teknologi canggih tersembunyi dalam wujud klasik.