Yamaha Xj Diversion Cafe Racer

At the age of 37, Finnish born Swedish resident Daniel Bertell has spent a long time getting to know his bike. Sitting in his driveway is the Yamaha XJ900 which he first bought at aged 17. now 20 years later it's been transformed into a cafe racer that performs and looks exactly how he'd always envisaged.
Yamaha xj diversion cafe racer. Est. 2006 Return of the Cafe Racers is the world's premier cafe racer focused website. We publish regular features on custom motorcycle builds, riding gear reviews, how to guides and event coverage from around the globe. If you're a fan of cafe racer motorcycles and style then you've come to the right place! Espectacular Yamaha xj600 cafe racer, papeles, ITV y sello al día, soy el 2do propietario y ha sido de los proyectos de restauración más divertidos que he hecho, mecánica impoluta , ruedas al 95% de vida útil, presento TODAS piezas originales, las facturas y planos.Marcador koso homologado, escapes IXIL, recién cambiadas todas las juntas del motor, reglaje de válvulas nuevo, juntas del. 30-jun-2020 - Explora el tablero de Fran "Cafe racer yamaha xj600 diversion" en Pinterest. Ver más ideas sobre Motos, Motocicletas personalizadas, Motocicletas. 10.01.2017 - Erkunde Thorge Tis Pinnwand „xj 600 diversion cafe“ auf Pinterest. Weitere Ideen zu Motorrad, Yamaha cafe racer, Fortbewegung.
La Yamaha XJ 600 Cafe racer est le 3e projet de Tom Racing Designs Le modèle de base est une Yamaha XJ 600 de 1984, un modèle pré-diversion et une des toutes premières à avoir été produite donc. Bien que la moto semblait assez propre de l’extérieur, elle est dans un plutôt mauvais état : […] Eight Ball: A Yamaha XJ400 cafe racer from Kiev We’re used to seeing gorgeous café racers roll out of Western European workshops, but today we’re venturing a little further east. This classy Yamaha comes straight out of Kiev, Ukraine. 12-jun-2020 - Yamaha XJ 600 S Diversion. Bekijk meer ideeën over Motor, Motorfiets, Cafe racer bikes. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for yamaha xj600s diversion cafe racer at the best online prices at eBay! Free delivery for many products!
12.05.2018 - Erkunde sascha_schmidts Pinnwand „xj“ auf Pinterest. Weitere Ideen zu Motorrad, Yamaha cafe racer, Street tracker. 30-ene-2017 - Explora el tablero de menavolt "Xj600 diversion" en Pinterest. Ver más ideas sobre Motos, Solo motos, Cafe racer. 31 oct. 2017 - Découvrez le tableau "Diversion 600" de Patrick Dalby sur Pinterest. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Café racer, Moto, Yamaha cafe racer. Aug 30, 2017 - Explore Paul Tabb's board "Yamaha xj600 Cafe racer/Scrambler", followed by 101 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Cafe racer, Racer, Yamaha.
Umbau der Yamaha XJ 600 zum Cafe Racer. Bereits ab Werk ist der Doppelschleifenrohrrahmen der Yamaha XJ 600 an den neuralgischen Punkten verstärkt, was meinen Rennambitionen sehr entgegen kam. Natürlich musste ich den Heckrahmen anpassen und ein kurzes Heck von Hand fertigen. Der Solo-Café-Racer-Sitz mit Höcker entstand ebenfalls in Eigenregie. Yamaha XJ 600 Cafe Racer. Los chic@s de Machete Company vienen desde Vigo (Galicia), para estrenarse en el blog de la comunidad y poder mostrarte una peculiar Yamaha XJ 600 Cafe Racer, cafeteada con un toque del estilo característico de John Player Special.El color negro y dorado se unen a los cambios del constructor para formar una nueva moto con aspecto clásico y vintage. So the first thing this Yamaha XJ600 cafe racer had to endure was getting stripped of all the unnecessary fairings and trim that had absolutely no use if TEOTWAWKI were to happen tomorrow. To make sure that this cafe racer could outrun any disaster, a lot of focus was put into bringing the inline 4 600cc engine. The Yamaha XJ 600 Cafe racer is the third bike built by Tom Racing Designs. The base model is a 1984 Yamaha XJ 600 (also known as the FJ 600 in the US), one of the very first to be produced. Although looking clean from the outside, the bike was in a pretty bad condition: the fuel tank was completly rusted on the inside, carbs were clogged with.